Out now: EUROPARC Annual Report 2022
EUROPARC is continuously working for the benefit of Protected Areas in Europe. Discover all that we did last year and see the new design of the EUROPARC Annual Report 2022!
Life moves by fast! All the more reason to sit back and reflect every now and then. The EUROPARC Annual Report will help you to do just that, all nicely packed in our new corporate branding.
In it, you can find the meetings, webinars, publications, project outcomes and other outputs we produced. From the EUROPARC Conferences in Austria and France, to new commissions and strategies, it is safe to say the Directorate did not sit still! The EUROPARC Sections also have been working on insightful activities that you can find in a dedicated part of the publication.
As highlighted by Michael Hošek, EUROPARC President:
2022 was a strategic year for EUROPARC. The Global Biodiversity Framework was adopted with the goal of ensuring sustainable use of natural resources on one-third of land and sea areas in the form of not only Protected Areas but also OECMs – Other Effective Area-Based Conservation Measures.
Policy work, networking & youth
We can look back on a successful Seminar Dialogue with the European Commission, where we discussed “The new Restoration law: the role of, and the impact on, Protected Areas” and “Nature Conservation in the Climate change context”. EUROPARC also lobbied for the creation of a Thematic Committee within the Conference of International NGOs in the Council of Europe and we represented our members in Brussels throughout the year.
Of course, as always, we put special efforts into connecting our members with various online and in-person opportunities. We gave Nature Professionals the chance to exchange on a wide range of topics during 13 webinars with around 1,500 attendees, the ECST award ceremony back at the European Parliament after two years and many other events.
The decision-makers of tomorrow also had opportunities to express their thoughts and opinions while getting involved in our organisation and across Parks in Europe. Parks restarted their Junior Ranger and Youth+ projects after the lockdowns and a group started to build the structure and format for a EUROPARC Youth Council.
All this, and much more, is waiting for you in this new edition of the Annual Report. So, sit back, relax and reflect on the year past.
The Annual Report is available in three languages:
Flip through the English Version
Flip through the French Version
Flip through the German Version
You can also download the PDF versions from the EUROPARC library here.
Funded by the European Union.
Views and opinions expressed are however those of the authors only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or CINEA. Neither the European Union nor CINEA can be held responsible for them.