Out now: EUROPARC’s Protected Areas In-Sight Vol. 15!

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The Protected Areas In-Sight is EUROPARC’s annual journal, which follows the theme of the EUROPARC Conference. Discover the latest edition now! Available in English, French and German.

50 years of nature superpowers

The Protected Areas In-Sight, aims to inspire its readers with success stories from across the EUROPARC Network. Collating these stories, connecting the people behind them, and showcasing Protected Areas as centres of excellence to the wider public is something that EUROPARC has been doing for 50 years.

What has become apparent having reflected upon the 50 years of EUROPARC’s work, are the latent Superpowers within the Protected Area community

Carol Ritchie

writes EUROPARC’s Executive Director Carol Ritchie in the Magazine’s editorial.

The 2023 edition of our Protected Areas In-Sight explores many of the Superpowers that our network holds. Guided by the Conference theme “Tribute to our Landscape: Where nature and people meet in Harmony”, over 14 articles from guest authors across Europe showcase how Protected Areas are building trusting relationships within their communities, creating change and sharing a vision for a sustainable future.

Powered by the EUROPARC Community

As always, the Protected Areas In-Sight would not exist without the dedication of our network! In this edition, you will find articles from:

  • Rewilding Europe on the ‘Wilder Parks’ initiative;
  • National Park Weerribben-Wieden on their new national campaign;
  • Youth voices, and their experience at the EUROPARC Conference;
  • Foreste Casentinesi National park on restoring forests between history, landscape, ethics and nature;
  • NORRØN Architects, on developing destinations through co-creation;
  • Pasvik-Inari Transboundary Area, on the lessons learned from their 30+ year cooperation;
  • The UNESCO Chair for Sustainable Management of Conservation Areas at the Carinthia University of Applied Sciences, on Nature for Peace.
  • The Nature Regional Landscape Parks Task Force, on their declaration on Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation.

Furthermore, interesting insights from the LIFE ENABLE and Horizon Europe NaturaConnect projects explore what is needed for nature conservation that is future-ready.

Of course, we could not let our 50th Anniversary pass by silently! In the magazine, you will also find special articles detailing our history, the interactive EUROPARC Storybook and much, much more.

Discover it yourself! You can flip through all three versions here:




If you’d prefer to download the Protected Areas In-Sight, we invite you to check out our digital library, where you can also find all previous editions.

EUROPARC members will receive a physical copy of the Protected Areas In-Sight in the upcoming weeks.

The publication of the Protected Areas In-Sight is co-funded by the European Commission. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or CINEA. Neither the European Union nor CINEA can be held responsible for them.