Tourism For Tomorrow Awards 2016
Tourism fo Tomorrow Award 2016. WTTC
Recently the EUROPARC Federation and World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC) renewed an important agreement as a great example of partnership oriented to sustainable tourism development. The WTTC is committed to promoting sustainability in the Travel & Tourism industry and the Tourism for tomorrow awards aims at recognising best practice in sustainable tourism within the industry globally.
They have just informed us that the applications to the 12th Tourism for Tomorrow Awards are now open! The deadline is the 16th of November 2015 no fee is charged for submitting your application. Find more about the award and the work of WTTC here!
They are looking for inspiring businesses and organisations from Travel & Tourism sector who feel they have what it takes, are encouraged to enter one of the five award categories for next year: Community, Destination, Environment, Innovation and People.
Find more about the award and the work of WTTC here and watch the winners of 2015 edition in this video.