3 Blended-learning courses: Call for applications – Life eNatura2000
The LIFEedu project offers an exciting new opportunity to build professional capacities to protect Europe’s most precious nature. The call for applications was launched at the EUROPARC Conference 2019 in Latvia. There will be 3 blended-learning courses that you can choose from… Don’t miss the opportunity and apply before 30th October!
Supporting e-learning and capacity building for Natura 2000 managers
On 24 September at the 2019 EUROPARC Conference in Latvia, the call for applications for the “LIFE e-Natura 2000.edu” project, “LIFEedu” for short, was launched. Applications are invited from individuals with responsibilities for Natura 2000 management. A total of 60 applicants will be selected to form the project’s core cohort of participants. In addition, the project will create wider opportunities for more than 500 participants who can join in the project’s online learning events.
In 2020, LIFEedu will run three courses developed to advance the specific skills, knowledge and attitudes required by Natura 2000 managers and protected area professionals.
Applicants will be selected by the end of 2019. In 2020, LIFEedu will run three courses developed to advance the specific skills, knowledge and attitudes required by Natura 2000 managers and protected area professionals.
Project participants will work together in a mix of face-to-face workshops and a summer school, and use a range of online and digital tools, such as webinars, demonstration videos and a new smartphone app to support networking.
Blended-learning courses: Call for applications
Organised in three groups of 20 people, applicants can apply for the courses to be delivered in three languages led by EUROPARC’s project partners. The course in Romanian covers biodiversity conservation, policy and planning and project management skills, and is led by the ProPark Foundation. The course in Spanish is led by FUNGOBE/ EUROPARC Spain and addresses how to work and collaborate effectively with local communities and respect cultural traditions. The EUROPARC Federation course will be delivered in English for 20 people from across the Europe: it focuses on competent inclusive communication for Natura 2000. Applications are open until the 30th October.
Registration for the Courses in English, Romanian or Spanish:
Natura 2000 managers need to be expert communicators. They need to be able to work effectively together with people so that nature’s priorities become people’s priorities.
Check the online brochure to learn all about the LIFE e-Natura2000.edu project!
Neil McIntosh, LIFEedu’s Project Manager said, “LIFEedu is an innovative three-year project which enables peers to connect and learn about what Natura 2000 managers need to know and be able to do to improve their management practices.”
Core competencies include being able to establish inclusive participatory processes, which respect cultural traditions and economic interests.
The project is led by EUROPARC Federation together with five partners, ProPark Foundation for Protected Areas, Fundación interuniversitaria Fernando González Bernáldez para los espacios naturales (FUNGOBE), University of Padova, Dept Land, Environment, Agriculture and Forestry (TESAF), The European Landowners Organization and Kullaberg Nature Reserve, Sweden. All project partners work extensively with Natura 2000 and Protected Area managers, including private landowners, site managers, field staff, rangers, local communities, public administrations, environmental agencies and non-governmental organisations.
More information about the LIFE Programme can be found on the European Commission’s website.