European Day of Parks 2019
Call for applications for MSc Program: Management of Conservation Areas.
Deadline for applications: June 30th, 2019. Start of study: September…
Excursion to the Ponys at Hnanice
In between the National Parks forest and the vineyards near…
Tag der offenen Tür
During an official ceremony (with invitation only) the new exhibition…
Ziua Europeană a Parcurilor (European Day of Parks)
Celebrate along with us the European Day of Parks, on…
From the 18th to the 20th of MAY we organize…
Di parco in parco 2019- Cascine e Fontanili
During this event, you will have an opportunity to enjoy…
Opening of a new trail at Bentael Nature Reserve
An event for all the surrounding villages: families, students, and…
Green Heart beats for us
International Day of Biological Diversity & Day of Nature Protection…
Dag van het Nationaal Park
Weerribben-Wieden Cruise for elderly inhabitants of the National Park and…
Hiking along the border Slovenia-Austria
Pohod Trideželnega parka Goričko-Raab-Őrség ob državni meji med Slovenijo in…
Celebración del Día Europeo de los Parques: visita el Monumento Natural Ojo Guareña
48 niños del Colegio Público Ramón Sánchez visitarán el Monumento…
Colorful butterflies
Colorful Butterflies - an educational activity for children, where we…
Di Parco in Parco 2019
Visita guidata alla scoperta della natura attraverso il biowatching, in…
A guided tour discovering hidden treasures and water meadows
Spring in flight and in flower
A photographic exhibition showing Nature and its treasures: flowers, butterflies…
European Day of Parks 2019
Activity market in the Gasterse dunes parking lot. With water…
A rally "On the wildlife trails of forests and lakes"
It is a type of rally with control points, where…
The Natural Treasures of a Care Farm
The day will be filled with various workshops for both…
Bycicle tour on Bükk-Plateau
The Bükk National Park Directorate invites cyclist to take part…
Convivencia en el Tajo Internacional
Convivencia de un grupo de escolares de 4º a 6º…
Discovering de forest of Sant Joan de l'Erm in Alt Pirineu Natural Park
Come with us to discover and enjoy the forest of…
Sightseeing tour - Las Nadwelski
Welski Landscape Park invites all lovers of hiking, nature, and…
Home, public movie projection
"Home", documentary film by director Yanna Arthus-Bertrand The film represents…
Hiking along the border Slovenia-Austria
Hiking of Trilateral Park Goričko-Raab-Őrség along the national border between…
A trip to Despeñaperros Natural Park
This event is a trip from Andújar to Despeñaperros. We…
Skarby natury w województwie lubuskim - Treasures of nature in the Lubuskie Voivodeship
Zespół Parków Krajobrazowych Województwa Lubuskiego aktywnie włącza się w świętowanie…
Conociendo el Salt de Robert
Ruta interpretativa para descubrir una de las zonas de mayor…
Bellissima e facile escursione alla scoperta delle orchidee nel Parco…
El tesoro del Barranc de la Pegunta
Te invitamos a descubrir uno de nuestros más grandes tesoros.…
European Day of Parks
We invite you to lectures on scientific research conducted in…
Nationalparkdag og Marbækdag på Myrthuegård
En dag for hele familien på Myrthuegård.
Vadehavet i en kurv
Natur- og kulturhistorisk gastronomi Tag med på en kultur-naturtur langs…
European Day of Park - Wildlife in the garden
The Balaton Uplands National Park Directorate would be delighted if…
Workshop: scientific aromatherapy
In the course of aromatherapy, we will work with essential…
Discover biodiversity in Kemeri National park!
The biodiversity excursion into Kemeri National park with local school…
Skarby natury w województwie lubuskim - Treasures of nature in the Lubuskie Voivodeship
Zespół Parków Krajobrazowych Województwa Lubuskiego aktywnie włącza się w świętowanie…
Parkide päev 2019 Nõmme - Mustamäe maastikukaitsealal
Nature sightseeing - walking in the protected area. Target group…
Workshop: the organic garden and chicken coop
We will start to work in the ecological family garden…
The Spring Notes for the Nature
Martin Hammerle and his friends. The traditional spring concert on…
Sternenwanderung (Astronomie)
Mit seinem funkelnden Sternenhimmel hat sich der Nationalpark Eifel 2014…
Rangertour: Kloster-Route
Unterwegs von Heimbach in den Kermeter Zuerst führt Sie der…
Rangertour: Erkensruhr
Unterwegs auf anspruchsvollen Pfaden Die Möglichkeiten dieser Wanderung sind vielfältig:…
Rangertour: Erkensruhr
Unterwegs auf anspruchsvollen Pfaden Die Möglichkeiten dieser Wanderung sind vielfältig:…
Día Europeo de los Parques: Ven a disfrutarlo con nosotros!
En esta edición 2019, descubriremos los tesoros naturales escondidos en…
Ginsterblütenfest und Europäischer Tag der Parke 2019
Am zweiten Wochenende im Juni findet in Dreiborn das Ginsterblütenfest…
guided tour through our Nationalpark Visitor Center Mallnitz
The Mallnitz Visitor Centre has all the information you need…
Ginsterblütenfest und Europäischer Tag der Parke 2019
Am zweiten Wochenende im Juni findet in Dreiborn das Ginsterblütenfest…
Boat trip at Lake Tisza
In this year, the Hortobágy National Park Directorate also joins…
Bird ringing at Lake Tisza
In this year, the Hortobágy National Park Directorate also joins…
Nature protection month's field tour
Field tour in Põhja-Kõrvemaa Landscape Protection Area, nature guide Andres…
Nature protection month's field tour
Field tour in Käina-Kassari Nature Protection Area takes u to…
Nature protection month's field tour
Field tour in suburbs close to Tallinn. Nature guide Uudo…
Nature protection month's field tour
Field tour in Neeruti and Kadrina area. Nature guide Ülle…
Nature protection month's filed tour
Field tour in Uljaste and Padaorg. Nature guide Gradislava Jušmanova…
Nature protection month's field tour
Field tour in Vooremaa Landscape Reserve near Tabivere. Nature guide…
Partner event Nationaal Park Utrechtse Heuvelrug
National Park organisation, terrain owners, municipalities, nature organisations and other…
Nature protecion month's field tour
Field tour in Kõrvemaa Landscape Reserve from Simisalu to Matsimäe.…
Nature protection month's field tour
Field tour in Matsalu National Park from Puise to Kiideva.…
Nature protection month's field tour
Field tour in Alutaguse National Park takes us to Tärivere…
Nature protection month's field tour
Field tour in Rabivere Landscape Reserve. Duration 6 h, length…
Nature's moods and moments - Konsta Punkka's photos, exhibition opening
A special photo exhibition will open on National Park Day…
Nature protection month's field tour
Field tour takes us to Sänna Taevarada and kultuurimõis. Nature…
Nature protection month's field tour
Field tour takes us to Kaisma protection area. Nature guide…
Yoga nel parco - Yoga in the park
Il Tuo yoga in Fattoria vi accoglie in cascina per…
Laboratorio Quadro Natura - Nature Framework Workshop
Dai 5 ai 10 anni Componiamo un “Quadro Natura”, sviluppando…
Risottata in Cascina - Lunch in the Farm
Occasione unica per pranzare negli spazi rustici della cascina e…
La strada del riso - The street of rice
Un’esperienza di conoscenza e contatto con la natura, la Strada…
Nature protection month's field tour
Field tour in Luhasoo Lanscape Reserve. Nature guides Helen Kivisild…
Un viaje a otra época: Oficios tradicionales
Carboneros, gabarreros, recolectoras, ganaderos, hacheros… Muchos eran los oficios que…
Educational game - trour in the Curonian Spit
Discover top points of Curonian Spit in short time and…
Nature protection month's field tour
Field tour in Soomaa National Park takes us to Lemmjõe…
Get know your nearest park!
Volunteers learn to make their own trips and excursions around…
Nit de ratolins
Sessió familiar de descoberta dels micromamífers que habiten a Collserola…
Les plantes exòtiques invasores. Què hi podem fer? Actuació de mapatge i eliminació
Què et semblaria venir un dia al Parc a col·laborar…
Descoberta en família: de flor en flor
Quins colors atrauen els insectes? Quin és el seu aliment…
Nature protection month's field tour
Field tour in Peetri jõe Landcape Reserve. Nature guide Urmas…
Nature protection month's field tour
Field tour in Vooremaa Landscape Reserve takes us to look…
Nature protection month's field tour
Field tour in Alam-Pedja Nature Reserve to look around in…
Nature protection month's field tour
Field tour in villages and nature of Sõrvemaa. Nature guide…
OSSOLA OUTDOOR TREKKING: Valle Antrona Natural Park
Ossola outdoor trekking is a day of trekking in Valle…
Liske van Ekerschot, markant en spraakmakend’
Onder het thema “Ontdek onze natuurschatten”, kun je op 24…
"Butterflies in Sierra de Huétor Natural Park"
"Butterflies in Sierra de Huétor Natural Park" is an activity…
Una festa per i Parchi
Sabato 18 maggio Isola del Giglio: Escursione e visita dell’Azienda…
Una festa per i Parchi
Sabato 18 maggio Isola d’Elba. Passeggiando a colori Escursione con…
Una festa per i Parchi
Isola di Giannutri. La Villa Romana Visita guidata del sito…
Nationaal Park De Maasduinen: Schatten van het Reindersmeer
Water heeft een belangrijke rol gespeeld tijdens de vorming van…
Una festa per i Parchi
Giovedì 23 maggio Mola, laboratorio didattico outdoor Laboratorio didattico rivolto…
Una festa per i Parchi
Laboratori didattici progetto Pelagos plastic free Laboratori didattici rivolti alle…
Una festa per i Parchi
Il Falco pescatore: progetti e ricerche in Italia e nell'Arcipelago…
Una festa per i Parchi
Lunedì 20 maggio Inaugurazione del “NAT-LAB Museo Naturalistico dell'Arcipelago Toscano”…
Una festa per i Parchi
Domenica 19 maggio Isola d’Elba. Herbal trekking a Schiopparello Passeggiata…
Exhibition of the Parks Dinarides
The exhibition "Nature connects us - Parks Dinarides" will be…
Exhibition of the Parks Dinarides
The exhibition "Nature connects us - Parks Dinarides" will be…
Nature's moods and moments by Konsta Punkka
A special photo exhibition will open on National Park Day…
Una festa per i Parchi
Speciale Pianosa: gli impollinatori Conosciamo gli impollinatori insieme ai naturalisti…
Una festa per i Parchi
Domenica 26 maggio Isola d'Elba. Cammino delle erbe Passeggiata tra…
Una festa per i Parchi
Sabato 25 maggio Giornata Nazionale delle Miniere: escursione naturalistica e…
Scharrel je eigen schatten bij elkaar
Search your own treasures together (all ages)
Verrast worden door de schatten van de nacht.
Be surprised by the treasures of the night (from 6…
Op zoek naar culinaire schatten Zeeuwse Zilte Zaligheden
Looking for culinary treasures (from 6 years)
Adotta il verde del tuo borgo / Adopt the nature of your village
Bike tour from Mantua city to Soave, little village European…
„Na manowce” do Parku Krajobrazowego Dolina Baryczy
Podczas 6-kilometrowego spaceru będziemy mieli okazję poznać walory przyrodnicze leśnego…
Met de Geluksexpres op zoek naar de schatten van Nationaal Park De Meinweg
‘Met de geluksexpres opzoek naar de natuurschatten van De Meinweg’.…
Teatro Musical “O Bosque Encantado”
Na sexta-feira, 24 maio, a Casa das Videiras vai receber…
Processo Participativo para criação da Paisagem Protegida do Sousa Superior
Participatory discussion for developping the management plan for the local…
Trekking po Puszczy Rominckiej „Polskie TajGO!wisko” / Trekking in the Romincka Primaval Forest "Polish Taiga"a
Impreza ma charakter międzyszkolnych zawodów terenowych, podczas których drużyny wraz…
Ontdek de natuurschatten van Nationaal Park Zuid-Kennemerland
Discover the treasures of Nationaal Park Zuid-Kennemerland.
PARKFEST 2019 - 17° Incontro fra i parchi dell'arco alpino orientale
Domenica 26 maggio ritorna a Venzone l’INCONTRO FRA I PARCHI…
story tour with our elderly
Nature is important for everyone. On the European Day of…
Ginestre in fiore
Escursione guidata adatta a tutti. Il colore giallo intenso la…
Junior Geoparker: piccoli botanici
Un divertente laboratorio per bambini sulle piante che fioriscono in…
Safari with city councilors
City councilors decide over local nature policy. They are very…
Dag van het Nationaal Park Drentsche Aa
Sunday, May 26, Drentsche Aa National Park will host the…
Open door of landscape park Lahinja
On 24th and 25th of May we are organizing the…
Visita guiada per l'itinerari 1: Cortalet- Observatori Senillosa
Activitat de descoberta de l’Itinerari 1 per a tota la…
La Casa del Parque Natural Batuecas-Sierra de Francia se a…
Volunteer activity "La sabina albar, natural treasure"
We will reboar the roof of a chozón in Escalera…
Día europeo de los Parques
16:00 – 17:30. Taller práctico: “Árboles y arbustos del PNM…
Día Europeo de los Parques
10:00 – 12:00. Visita guiada temática: “La gestión del Clot…
Wandeling met natuurgids omgeving Kleine Meer
In het kader van de Dag van het Nationaal Park,…
Biodiversidad: descubrimos las abejas
Discover the fascinating world of bees. It's an activity open…
European Day of Parks
Type of event: - presentations on natural treasures topic; -…
Landeljke dag van het Nationaal Park
Onze mooiste natuur in Nederland willen we natuurlijk bewaren en…
Jornada de Patrimonio Natural y Cultural: camino de Morillejo a Sotoca / Heritage Day: the trail from Morillejo to Sotoca
Heritage Days are organized by the Township Council of Cifuentes…
"Maravillas del Parque Natuaral de La Mata -Torrevieja"
Presentación de más de 150 especies de flora inventariadas en…
Scientist for one day in Val Canzoi
Guided excursion along the Val Canzoi and playful learning workshop…
Curso de fauna: los necrófagos de Europa
Observación, identificación, biología y conservación de las 4 especies de…
Percurso pedestre do Salgueiral
Trata-se de uma visita guiada num percurso com cerca de…
La naturaleza al alcance de todos
El Parque natural presentará el 25 de mayo la silla…
Visita guiada gratuita a la Casa del Parque , Fuente…
Atividades escolares do Projeto "Quinta de Educação e Ambiente"
No âmbito das atividades desenvolvidas no Projeto Quinta de Educação…
Atividades escolares do Projeto "Quinta de Educação e Ambiente"
No âmbito das atividades desenvolvidas no Projeto Quinta da Educação…
Biophilia – Our Connection with Nature
We all have an innate affinity for nature and landscape;…
Entre ranos y sapos
Jornada consistente en una charla-presentación sobre nuestros amigos los anfibios…
National treasures of National parks
This year’s celebration of the European Day of Parks will…
Una gincana, para llegar a Polpis
Os invitamos a disfrutar a lo largo de la senda…
Kustavin Kivimaan koulun oppilaat ja opettajat tutustuvat ja testaavat perusteilla…
Discover the nature treasures in De Alde Feanen National Park
Visitors day around the visitors cntre with activities for all…
Con motivo de la celebración del DÍA EUROPEO DE LOS…
Caminhada de descoberta dos "Tesouros Naturais das Montanhas Mágicas"
O Dia Europeu dos Parques é celebrado nas Montanhas Mágicas,…
FIori del Beigua: Bokeh e altre visioni - mostra fotografica
"Fiori del Beigua: Bokeh e altre visioni" sabato 25 maggio…
War & Peace in the Peak District
BOOKING REQUIRED - 6 miles A short walk identifying and…
Mindfulness - Three Dales By The River
BOOKING REQUIRED 6.5 miles length Discover the benefits of mindfulness…
Feria especial del Parque Natural del Gorbeia, en conmemoración de su 25 aniversario.
La Diputación Foral de Álava organiza el domingo 19 de…
Hike wth the forester along the natural treasures of National Parc Dunes of Texel (34km)
To celebrate the 20th edition of the European Day of…
Mammal-Tracker Treasure Hunt
Use your tracker's guide to search the grounds for animal's…
Mammal-Tracker Treasure Hunt
Use your tracker's guide to search the grounds for animal's…
Nationalparkernas dag
Fair with local craftsmen. Music. Quiz walk for families. Opening…
I tesori della natura in Terra di Anacapri
Historical-naturalistic guided tour, suitable for everyone, dedicated to two treasures…
Percurso Pedestre: Das águas quentes às aguas frias
Percurso Pedestre - 8kms | dificuldade baixa | 4 horas…
Workshop on the future of protected areas in Spain
EUROPARC-Spain will present: - EUROPARC-Spain Yearbook of Protected Areas 2018…
Limpieza de residuos en las playas de Ons con voluntarios y colaboradores. Proyecto Pleamar "Red para la recuperación de los ecosistemas marinos del Parque Nacional"
Es una acción de la Red de recuperación de los…
Opening Magdalenapad
Op vrijdag 24 mei wordt, in aanwezigheid van de Burgemeester…
Introduction to invertebrates workshop
Join Dr Gordon Port at this introductory event, offering an…
Senda por la naturaleza, recomendada para mayores de 8 años.…
Beleef de natuur met al je zintuigen
Tijdens deze tocht door Nationaal Park de Loonse en Drunense…
Taller de Ornitología - Jornada de Puertas Abiertas
La Casa del Parque de Villafáfila se suma a la…
Geo Rally Fotográfico del Geoparque
A través de esta actividad, que será gratuita para los…
30 years together on the Austrian-Slovenian-Hungarian triple border
Celebrating the 30th anniversary of the international meeting on the…
Taller de iniciación a la pintura creativa para todas las…
FLY! The South Pennines Park Kite Festival
A mini-FLY! The South Pennines Kite Festival as part of…
Comemoração do Dia Europeu dos Parques em escolas
A ação decorre em escolas e destina-se a sensibilizar e…
Guided Walk: Walla Crag by Ashness Bridge
A gentle ascent from the lakeshore and Great Wood to…
Visita guiada al yacimiento arqueológico de Ocuri y Relatos mitológicos.
Retransmisión divulgativa sobre a candidatura Cíes-Parque Nacional m-t de las Islas Atlánticas de Galicia con motivo de la celebración del Día Europeo de los Parues: Unión de Radioaficionados Españoles
Retransmisión de la Unión de Radioaficionados españoles desde la isla…
Senda por el Soto de las Juntas
A través de esta senda conoceremos este enclave del parque…
Conoce los Parque Naturales de Jaén
La variedad de caracteres ambientales que confluyen en el territorio…
Field excursion to Šípková
The Mala Fatra National Park Administration and the School of…
Mystery of the Forest
The Mala Fatra National Park Administration and the School of…
Field program in the forest
The High Tatras National Park Administration on May 23rd will…
National Parks of Slovakia
On May 21st, the High Tatras National Park Administration has…
National park on Prypiat' river: from idea to realization
Round table for local stakeholders and community: "National park on…
The Natural Treasures of Prespa. Guided Tour for School of Pusteci
On the occasion of the European Day of Parks, the…
Experience the natural treasures of Prespa. Guided tour with School children of Pusteci school
On the occasion of the European Day of the Parks,…
Butterflies in Sierra de Baza Natural Park
“Butterflies in Sierra de Baza Natural Park” is an activity…
Van bosbad tot hangmat
During this walk you discover nature with all your senses,…
XV.Year of the Natural Science Competition for the Beauties of the Slovak Karst
The Slovak Karst National Park Administration is organizing on June…
Protected areas located near Medzilaborce
The Eastern Carpathians PLA Administration prepared a presentation on May…
Open Door Day in Poloniny NP and the Eastern Carpathians MBR
On 19 May, the Poloniny National Park held an event…
Velka Fatra National Park
The Velka Fatra National Park Administration has prepared a presentation…
Protected Territories of Slovakia
The Low Tatras National Park Administration will take place on…
An excursion to the Jakub Nature Trail
The Low Tatras National Park Administration has organized an excursion…
Wandering through National Parks of Slovakia
State Nature Conservancy of the Slovak Republic, Department of Environmental…
Our Natural Treasures
In order to establish and develop cooperation between National Parks…
Semana del medio ambiente
Desde la Dirección Provincial de Ciudad Real de la Consejería…
Happy Park Day
Professors from Gymnasium and Primary school Živinice, supported by Mayor…
Our Natural Treasures
In order to establish and develop cooperation between National Parks…
European Day of Parks
Type of event: prezentations on topic of EDP, tasting local…
Our Natural Treasures
Our Protected Areas are made of amazing landscapes, incredible species and unique habitats. What are the Natural Treasures your park is protecting? What is the story of that endangered species that live in your Park? That is what we looked at during the European Day of Parks in 2019. In total 413 events were organised in 33 countries!
Download the Media Outreach Report
Discover the activities organised in 2019